Little Yarra Dairy's yoghurt is exactly what dreams are made of.
Our dairy down the road, running with biodynamic practices with their sweet small herd.
The milk is of such a high standard from these very loved A2 Jersey cows has the gently warmed yoghurt naturally produce a thick cream top under a mousse like natural yoghurt.
This health fortifying health food delicacy, is not to be found in  scarcity in a  small jar, but comes to you in abundance in a stunning 1litre jar, that is quite unique to the dairy.
Enjoy my dear, yoghurt for breakfast, as a snack, in your cooking, sweet or savoury. Use every opportunity to get this delicious, local super food into you.
Quality in yoghurt, packaging, proximity and freshness is what living in our local and dynamic community is all about. Eating like a locavore is a feast when we are eating from Little Yarra Dairy