And now for some cake for that elixir of life!   Dear Sarah, A long-time Fill Good fan—actually, she was a Naked Nuts fan—came in one day with the most divine fudgy brownie for me to try. She wanted me to try and she knew you all would want this recipe!And she was right! It’s gluten-free and vegan, which is a great perk for those who are dietary conscious. We love them! I can totally imagine myself as a happy old lady enjoying these brownies. From the Minimalist Baker Ingredients US Customary – Metric 1 15-ounce can black beans (well rinsed and drained // 1 can...

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Gorgeous Amida gifted me some of hers and Toby's marmalade. Now, I’m not usually much of a marmalade gal—shock and horror! But I am definitely an Amida marmalade fan. So, I was whipping up some cookies, and now I’m going to be one of those annoying people who shares a recipe that is very vague. But it is almost foolproof, I promise. I have had requests, so here it is:   Marmalade Cookies Wet Mixture: Butter (or oil of your choice) Tahini Maple Syrup Marmalade Melt these ingredients in a saucepan. Taste the mixture until you achieve the flavor that...

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My fav shortbread recipe I often gift and camp with.    It's so incredibly easy to make honeyLouise shared this recipe with me many years ago,Here is my easy versionIt is so good to camp with!! Louise' Short Bread(Chris's Lazy Version of it)   INGREDIENTS 2 C plain flour1/2 C raw sugar250 gm salted butter2 tbsp rice flour  SUMMARY I melt the butter and add the dry ingredientsThe when combined into a smooth dough I press into in a baking dishCook at 180C for approx 15 to 20 minsKeep an eye on the goldeness you would likeThe baking time depends on how thick your...

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I made the easiest and quickestOrganic Beef Jerkyfrom Cherry Tree Organics  This is the tastiest and quickest beef jerky I have ever made.Quick, easy and tasty, that is the trifecta I'm looking for when making my jerky!This recipe is care of, Once Upon a chef.Here is my version with my modified Fill Good ingredientsI only marinated my meat for 2 hours, overnight, would have made it even better I'm sure.  INGREDIENTS   1 kilo round roast, trimmed of fat and silver skin. Sliced approx. 1/3 centimeter ( Every single time I have had Cherry Tree Organic meat it has been succulent and absolute perfection. Even these...

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I toasted in my dry fry frypan:Sunflower SeedsPepitasSesame SeedsOnce they were toasted nicely,I took them off the heat and drizzledTamari and Maple Syrup.Stirring the sauces through while being careful of the hot steam that comes up.Utterly and completely magnificent!

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