Bubble and Squeak!

Do you have dishes you hear about but you just can't imagine?
For me it was

Bubble and Squeak

Johnny, made a banger lamb roast last Sunday and we had left overs!

Happy Days

So how do you make Bubble and Squeak??

Well, it's easy!
Collect all your left over meat, veggies, juices and gravy.

Fry all together in the pan.
(I would possibly add some cheese, as I just love cheese!)

It's not the traditional way though

After it's all warmed and fried up, whack it in a tray and bake 

Coming out of a moderate over when it looks cooked on the top you now have 

Bubble and Squeak

So delicious!
Food Waste Be Gone!
Pennies saved with a second meal made!

Perhaps some Sour Cream would be yum?
We had the traditional peas on the side

Anyways, this dish the boys are very much looking forward to me coming home and making this.

My imagination is wandering now...why not do this with a curry also?


